Included are different graphics formats, different color formats, and different sizes. Full Color - Best for full color or photographic printing. Add a bang to flyers or t-Shirts. Black and White - When you can't afford color, but you're doing something that you'll still be able to accurately reprint shades of gray. NOT PHOTOCOPY. Spot - Just one color, can be printed any color you want. Letterheads, one-color t-Shirts, etc. Large Size is suitable for high resolution prints. Medium is for sizes up to about a 12"x12". Use this in a PDF instead of the larger ones to save on file size. Small is for letterheads, business cards, or other things that only need the logo printed up to about an inch. NOTE: The graphic has been optimized based on the size, so please use the one that's most appropriate. Largest will not always result in the best print quality. SVG - Original file. Fully scalable. Edit with a software like Inkscape for best results. It can also be imported into most major products, including Adobe, Corel, and Xara. PNG - Full color and transparency. Best quality for publications of all types. JPG - Smaller in size, good for douments that will be PDF's to be sent out. Otherwise use PNG. GIF - Mainly webpages or the occasional application that you need the transparency around the face of the compass but the application won't take PNG's -I hope you enjoy your new Logo! (C) 2007, Daniel S. Marcus License: Creative Common's Share-Alike No-Derivs (No Derived Works) 2.5 and Above