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Products in Category "Multi-Packs"

10 x 10 - 10 lip balms and 10 lip balm holders

Choose your 10 lip balm flavors and 10 patterns of lip balm holders by sending an email to: ContactUs@OhWowForLips.com. An email will be sent to you with current choices of patterns to choose your preferences.








Price: $95 USD
Price with Shipping: $103.25 USD
12 Pack

12 Lip Balm Flavors of Your Choice

Please email your flavors to: contactus@ohwowforlips.com






Price: $46 USD
Price with Shipping: $52.75 USD
15 Flavors ~ Sampler Pack

This sampler comes with one each of 15 current flavors in two pink organza bags. Or choose your flavor preferences.

Interested in our Cuticle Creme? Get them for $5 each when you add "Cuticle Creme" w/ additional purchase.

If you prefer specific flavors, please email your choices to: contactus@ohwowforlips.com

Price: $57 USD
Price with Shipping: $64.5 USD
2 Pack

Choose 2 lip balm flavors.

These come packaged in an organza bag.

Interested in our Cuticle Creme? Get them for $5 each when you add "Cuticle Creme" w/ additional purchase.

Please email your 2 flavors to: contactus@ohwowforlips.com





Price: $9.5 USD
Price with Shipping: $14.5 USD
20 Pack With 20 Organza Bags


Interested our Cuticle Creme? Get them for $5 each when you add "Cuticle Creme" w/ additional purchase.



Please email your flavors to: contactus@ohwowforlips.com




Price: $81 USD
Price with Shipping: $91.25 USD
20 tubes

Choose 20 lip balm flavors.

These come packaged in an organza bag.

Interested in our Cuticle Creme? Get them for $5 each when you add "Cuticle Creme" w/ additional purchase.

Please email your flavor choices to: contactus@ohwowforlips.com





Price: $76 USD
Price with Shipping: $86.25 USD
3 Pack

Three flavors of your choice. Comes packaged in an organza bag, as shown. 

Interested in our Cuticle Creme? Get them for $5 each when you add "Cuticle Creme" w/ additional purchase.

 Please email your 3 flavors to: contactus@ohwowforlips.com





Price: $13.5 USD
Price with Shipping: $18.75 USD
3 x 3 - 3 lip balms and 3 lip balm holders

Choose your 3 lip balm flavors and 3 patterns of lip balm holders by sending an email to: ContactUs@OhWowForLips.com. An email will be sent to you with current choices of patterns to choose your preferences.



Price: $31.5 USD
Price with Shipping: $37 USD
4 pack

Pick Four flavors of your choice, comes packaged in an organza bag, colors vary.

Interested in our Cuticle Creme? Get them for $5 each when you add "Cuticle Creme" w/ additional purchase.

 Please email your 4 flavors to: contactus@ohwowforlips.com

Price: $18 USD
Price with Shipping: $23.25 USD
5 Pack

  Choose 5 flavors, comes packaged in an organza bag, color varies.

Interested in our Cuticle Creme? Get them for $5 each when you add "Cuticle Creme" w/ additional purchase.

 Please email your 5 flavors to: contactus@ohwowforlips.com





Price: $22.5 USD
Price with Shipping: $28 USD
5 x 5 - 5 lip balms and 5 lip balm holders

Choose your 5 lip balm flavors and 5 patterns of lip balm holders by sending an email to: ContactUs@OhWowForLips.com. An email will be sent to you with current choices of patterns to choose your preferences.








Price: $52.5 USD
Price with Shipping: $59 USD
6 pack

Comes in an organza bag as shown.

Interested in our Cuticle Creme? Get them for $5 each when you add "Cuticle Creme" w/ additional purchase.

 Please email your 6 flavors to: contactus@ohwowforlips.com






Price: $24 USD
Price with Shipping: $29.5 USD
9 Pack

This 9 pack comes packaged in a pink organza bag.

Interested in our Cuticle Creme? Get them for $5 each when you add "Cuticle Creme" w/ additional purchase.

Please email your 9 flavors to: contactus@ohwowforlips.com






Price: $35 USD
Price with Shipping: $41 USD
Product prices include shipping inside the continental United States.
PLEASE NOTE: there is a note to seller, please click it on Review Your Information screen to include your flavor, size or color choices.

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